Take the Challenge -
Donate a Drink.
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Up for a healthy challenge? Go Dry with the American Liver Foundation (ALF)! Invite your friends to join you for this fun challenge. Together we have a goal to give up 4,500 alcoholic drinks this year in honor of ALF’s 45th Anniversary, and we need your help to get there!
By going alcohol-free for 30 days, you’ll help raise funds and awareness for those living with liver disease. Once registered, you will receive motivational text messages and emails helping you to stay on track and cheering you every step of the way.
If the 30-day alcohol-free challenge does not appeal to you, or fit your lifestyle, give up a drink or two and donate the cost back to ALF. Donate $20 and give up two drinks. Donate $40 and give up four drinks. Every $10 donated equals one drink given up towards our overall goal of 4,500!
By signing up for the 30-day challenge or donating the cost of a drink, you will be doing something amazing for people with liver disease, and for yourself, too! Going alcohol-free provides many health benefits including increased energy, a clearer head, and better sleep.
Funds raised will allow the American Liver Foundation to further our mission to promote education, advocacy, support services and research for the prevention, treatment and cure of liver disease.

The average alcoholic beverage in the US is around $10.
01. Donate Your Drinks
Donate 1, 2, 5 or more drinks in 2021 to support your commitment to the GoDry Challenge.
02. Share on Social Media
Share one or more of the posts below on your social accounts to get more people involved in the Challenge!
03. Challenge your Friends
Tag 2 friends on Facebook and challenge them to take the GoDry Challenge. #ALFGoDry

Let's get Social!
GoDry! Right click on these graphics to save and share on social media.
Suggested Post 1
I committed to GO DRY(ish) and gave up a drink to support the American Liver Foundation Go Dry Challenge. I challenge you to do the same by donating the cost of a drink today! www.ALFGoDry.org #GoDryChallenge #ALFGoDry
Suggested Post 2
Some call it “sober curious.” Others say, “mindful drinking.” I prefer “Go Dry.” Will you join me in taking the Challenge? www.ALFGoDry.org #ALFGoDry #GoDryChallenge
Suggested Post 3
Make a change in 2021 and reap the benefits! Join me in the #GoDryChallenge benefiting the American Liver Foundation and abstain from alcohol for 30 days. You’ll feel better, sleep better and save money. www.ALFGoDry.org #ALFGoDry

Did You Know?
The liver is the body’s largest filter and performs 500 functions, including removing toxins like alcohol from the blood.
What is Healthy Drinking?
Stick to 1 standard drink daily for women and 2 standard drinks daily for men or less. The liver can only process a certain amount of alcohol at a time, so avoid binge drinking which is 4 or more drinks within two hours.
Why You Should Go Dry
Give your liver a rest! The liver can only process a certain amount of alcohol at a time. When someone has too much to drink, the alcohol left unprocessed by the liver circulates through the bloodstream and starts affecting the heart and brain.
Chronic alcohol abuse causes destruction of liver cells, which results in scarring of the liver (cirrhosis), alcoholic hepatitis and may even lead to liver cancer.
When you loose the booze and take a break from drinking you’ll get brighter skin, deeper sleep, a slimmer waist, more energy, and a happier liver.
Meet our '21 Go Dry National LIVEr Champion
When our daughter Hanna was born, we were overcome with joy and quickly announced her arrival on Facebook, called family and friends, and even scheduled a family visit to the hospital.

The Cause
ALF’s mission is to promote education, advocacy, support services and research for the prevention, treatment and cure of liver disease.
Founded in 1976, the ALF is the nation’s largest patient advocacy organization for people living with liver disease. ALF reaches nearly three million people each year through advocacy, education, support services and research via its national office and an active online presence. Recognized as a trusted voice for those battling liver disease, ALF also operates a national toll-free helpline, educates patients, policymakers and the public, and provides grants to early-career investigators to find cures for liver disease. To date, ALF has provided nearly $27 million in support to more than 870 researchers.
Every gift makes a difference and helps us to fulfill our mission. Because of your support we are moving one step closer to a world free of liver disease.